Amber Flag
In 2018/2019 our school was awarded its first Amber Flag for promoting mental health by encouraging teamwork and student contributions. We held our Mental Health Day in February 2019 in conjunction with Siobhán O’Leary, our yoga and mindfulness teacher. The day was a huge success as was our fundraising and community spirit. A special word of praise for the members of our student Amber Flag committee, well done to them. Our thanks too to Sam Curtis HSCL and Ms Carey for leading this initiative. Our flag was raised in September, members of Semicolon Roscrea joined for the occasion, we were delighted to welcome them back for the occasion. This year we hope to reapply for the Amber Flag as part of our engagement with Social Awareness, our Goal of Sacred Heart education. We will celebrate self awareness, diversity and inclusion. We will also learn about different theories of intelligence. It will, once again, be a very positive aspect of our school year.