Here at the Sacred Heart Primary School we take pride in our many achievements. We currently have six Green Flags, five Blue Stars, an Amber Flag, awards for STEM and we have taken part in the international networking project Comenius, now called Erasmus+. There are many sports played by the children both in the school and in clubs and parishes around Roscrea. We participate in art competitions, spelling bees, Write A Book competitions, Craft Competitions and quizes. We have a school choir and a chamber choir who have performed at many public occasions and competed in choral competitions at the highest levels. We love our library which was generously donated by the Butler Family in memory of their daughter Aisling, a past pupil of our school. We are a DEIS school, we deliver equality of opportunity in schools by supporting children in programs such as First Steps in Reading and Writing, Reading Recovery, Maths Recovery, Literacy Lift Off,School Completion, Copping On and Home School Community Liason services. We promote good attendance, healthy eating and community activity. We are part of a network of Sacred Heart schools with whom we regularly network. We actively promote our Sacred Heart ethos, this year 2020/2021 we are promoting the Goal of Social Awareness.